Tuesday, September 18, 2007

By request...What's not to like about Frank

This could so easily get out of control and very quickly. I find myself sitting here wondering if I should be a smart ass or not. So I will go with the not.

We have been together 16 years and married for 14 of those. Naturally there are good things and bad, for both of us.

His procrastination bugs the poopies out of me. However, it is a trait that I have come to love about him. His procrastination is him. Frank does not stress out about anything, and when I say anything I mean ANYTHING! I have no damn idea how it is possible, but he does it. So in turn, it's not something that bothers me but it's something that I envy and that in turn causes it to bother me. So I'm not sure it is a bad thing, just something I am jealous of.

Other than that, well, that's it. I'm not saying that my honey does not have his flaws, but do I want to really sit here and think of what they are? Not really. I would hate to think that he would do that to me. And I honestly try to do to others what I would want them to do for me.

For any of the things that Frank does that cause me a tinge of irritation, there are so many more that I appreciate and look forward to.

The way he looks at me even when he's mad.
The way he holds me to his chest and rests his chin on my head while hugging me.
The way he says my name.
The way he smells. (Most of the time! lmfao)
His smile.
His compassion.
His love.
The children we created together.
The life we built.
The name he gave to me.
All of him.

But not his fucking cat! That damn thing is honest to god trying to kill me and I swear it! I see the evil intent in his eyes right before he runs between my legs as I try to take the first step downstairs. But I'll always be nice to the damn cat. Why? Because Patches shares my love for Frank, even if the cat does try to kill me.

So in the end, there is nothing that Frank does or is that I dislike to the point that I would ever even think of changing.


  1. Chele, this was such a beautiful response it almost made me cry. I totally respect you for the way you wrote it and what you said. Frank's a damn lucky guy, but then I already knew that! I know he knows it too.

  2. Thank you Josie. And yeah he knows it, because I tell him all the dang time. lol

    Dare we ask him what he dislikes about me? Oh it could get ugly. I already know my major flaw. I'm cranky. Just ask Frank or Spot about Psycho-Chele during games and such. I do have a tendancy to throw fits if I don't get my way, but I'm working on it.

    Can I get a GI Joe response for "Knowing is half the battle"?

  3. Do you read Menopause Princess or did you see the YouTube video called "Mean Kitty"? If not, I can't recommend it more highly. Oh, it's FUNNY.

  4. Tee hee

    The day Mr. Nim's second cat died I waited an appropriate amount of time before skipping off to buy new furniture, you know the type. It has no claw marks on it.

    And in case you were wondering an appropriate amount of time to mourn a cat is 27 seconds.

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