L asks What is your least favorite thing to do each and every day and why?
My absolute least favorite thing to do each day is "litter box partol." With three cats in the house I check their box daily to see if it needs scooped or not. It is a disgusting little job that seems to be all mine and it often makes me wonder if I could somehow potty train the three cats to use the potty. Then all I have to do is teach them to flush! Ahhh...that would be heaven!
The Ranting Monkey asks What is your favorite part of your job?
There are so many things that I absolutely love about my job, and that is an honest statement. If I was picking just one I think I would have to go with my co-workers. While all of them might not be in my favorites list, there are quite a few who I love spending time with. There are a couple who I share outside of work time with and love that. I have always been a fan of the manta "co-workers should not be your friends, it just leads to trouble" but there are two that I completely make an exception for. There are two that I consider my friends and the days I work with those two ladies are always my favorite days of the week.
Lily asks If you were to spend an entire year on a desserted Island, what 5 things would you not be able to live without?
A whole year? By myself? Holy moses I can barely make it a day by myself! I'd absolute have to have my phone so that I could call those I love and talk to them. I'd need to be able to make sure they were ok. I'd have to take my computer to entertain me during the times where my loved ones would not be able to chat on the phone. (Let's pray there is electricity on this island for my next one.) I'd have to have a charger for the first two items on my list so that I could have them them available to me the whole year. Eeek! Only two more items to bring with me and I'm not sure of which way to go!
Make it paradise by bringing sunscreen and a beach towel? Make it rustic by bringing food and drinks? I think I'll cheat and imagine that my deserted island is fully stocked up on food and beverages so that it is more of a "relaxing" deserted island. I would take my beach towel and sunscreen. If I am going to be away from civilization for a whole year I might as well come back tanned, relaxed, and ready to take on the world!
DWei asks For whatever reason you've been tasked with staying awake for 96 hours nonstop in the room you are currently in. You are not allowed to leave said room for any reason until the allotted time is over. How do you manage to stay awake using only the items in said room.
First off, let's just say this a truly evil thing to have happen since those who are close to me know that there are only two things in this world that turn me into a human being that is similar to a one-month old child with colic and that is sleep and food...or a lack thereof! Glad I am in my living room so that I can choose my computer and my stereo. I'd need my computer to keep my mind going by either playing my favorite game of all "Farm Frenzy" or to just come on here and tell you all how sleepy I am. I'd need my stereo so that I could use it to play music and inspire me to get up and move around so that I could re-energize my muscles to keep going. I will give a warning though, under no circumstances should anybody enter that room until those 96 hours have passed and I have been allowed to sleep. It would just be dangerous, and I'm talking walking into a cage of tigers who have not eaten in days and have been slapped around dangerous!
First off, let's just say this a truly evil thing to have happen since those who are close to me know that there are only two things in this world that turn me into a human being that is similar to a one-month old child with colic and that is sleep and food...or a lack thereof! Glad I am in my living room so that I can choose my computer and my stereo. I'd need my computer to keep my mind going by either playing my favorite game of all "Farm Frenzy" or to just come on here and tell you all how sleepy I am. I'd need my stereo so that I could use it to play music and inspire me to get up and move around so that I could re-energize my muscles to keep going. I will give a warning though, under no circumstances should anybody enter that room until those 96 hours have passed and I have been allowed to sleep. It would just be dangerous, and I'm talking walking into a cage of tigers who have not eaten in days and have been slapped around dangerous!
Jo-Anne asks Where you are mummy's girl or a daddy's girl????????????????
From the bottom of my heart I am a full blown daddy's girl! My father is my hero. He means everything to me. Even at this stage in life I know that if I fall down, he will be there to pick me back up and dust me off. My father lives several states away and we don't get to visit often but when we do it is something I cherish.
Thank you all for the wonderful questions and sorry I am a tad late in responding.
PS-I tried to make each person's name link to their blog except for My monkey man. His would not create a link. :(
From the bottom of my heart I am a full blown daddy's girl! My father is my hero. He means everything to me. Even at this stage in life I know that if I fall down, he will be there to pick me back up and dust me off. My father lives several states away and we don't get to visit often but when we do it is something I cherish.
Thank you all for the wonderful questions and sorry I am a tad late in responding.
PS-I tried to make each person's name link to their blog except for My monkey man. His would not create a link. :(
I believe modesty has nothing to do with shame but has much more to do with self-appreciation and self-esteem. I think people choose which clothes to wear based on how they feel about themselves. Speaking from a female standpoint, I think that when women get dressed there is always the thought of "How do I look in this" somewhere in our minds. I think our choice of clothing is much like gift giving. We don't want to give a gift that is in tacky wrapping paper held together by band-aids. We want to give a gift that is wrapped in a gorgeous paper, has pretty ribbon around it, and finished off with a cute little bow. We are each a gift to the world around us and I think when we get dressed for the day we try to present our selves as such in the outfits we choose.
Now there are some exceptions to those thoughts. When we are home or by ourselves, we often choose much simpler wrapping paper, wrapping paper that has been crinkled, or wrapping paper that just feels relaxed. When attending certain events we choose to do without the ribbons and bows so that we aren't those present sticking out like sore thumbs. Just some of my thoughts.
My greatest fear is death. The death of a loved one, the death of a friend, and my own death. My greatest one of all those is my own, and not for the reasons you think.
I fear dying because I can't imagine the sorrow that my husband and children will face. I can't imagine that I would not be there to help them through it. That is why it terrifies me so. I love my husband and children and am always here to help them with anything. Thinking about not being here for them for a time when they need me the most terrifies me to my core. As I am typing this, tears are just rolling down my face and I can't make them stop. It is not my concern for "do they know when the cable bill is due" or "do they know how to scoop a litter box." I am concerned that in their deepest time of sorrow and sadness, the one person who has always been their biggest cheerleader will be silent and unable to help them. Will be unable to whisper the encouraging words of how their days will get better. Will be unable to give them that comforting hug they need. That is what I fear the most.